Journal Papers
J. 167. Rajaei, M., Zeng, J., Albooyeh, M., Kamandi, M., Hanifeh, M., Capolino, F., & Wickramasinghe, H. K. (2019). Giant circular dichroism at visible frequencies enabled by plasmonic ramp-shaped nanostructures. ACS Photonics.
J. 166. Zeng, J., Darvishzadeh-Varcheie, M., Albooyeh, M., Rajaei, M., Kamandi, M., Veysi, M., … & Wickramasinghe, H. K. (2018). Exclusive Magnetic Excitation Enabled by Structured Light Illumination in a Nanoscale Mie Resonator. ACS nano, 12(12), 12159-12168.
J. 165. Shekaramiz, E., Doshi, R., & Wickramasinghe, H. K. (2018). Protein fishing from single live cells. Journal of nanobiotechnology, 16(1), 67.
J. 164. Tamma, V. A., Beecher, L. M., Shumaker-Parry, J. S., & Wickramasinghe, H. K. (2018). Detecting stimulated Raman responses of molecules in plasmonic gap using photon induced forces. Optics express, 26(24), 31439-31453.
J. 163. Rajaei, M., Almajhadi, A., Zeng, J., & Wickramasinghe, H. K. (2018). Near-field nanoprobing using Si tip-Au nanoparticle photoinduced force microscopy with 120:1 signal-to-noise ratio, sub-6-nm resolution. Optics Express, 26(20), 26365-26376.
J. 162. Kamandi, M., Albooyeh, M., Veysi, M., Rajaei, M., Zeng, J., Wickramasinghe, H. K., & Capolino, F. (2018). Unscrambling Structured Chirality with Structured Light at the Nanoscale Using Photoinduced Force. ACS Photonics, 5(11), 4360-4370.
J.161. Zeng, J., Kamandi, M., Darvishzadeh-Varcheie, M., Albooyeh, M., Veysi, M., Guclu, C., … & Capolino, F. (2018). In pursuit of photo-induced magnetic and chiral microscopy. EPJ Applied Metamaterials, 5, 7.
J.160. Zeng, J., Huang, F., Guclu, C., Veysi, M., Albooyeh, M., Wickramsinghe, H. K., & Capolino, F. (2017). Sharply focused azimuthally polarized beams with magnetic dominance: near-field characterization at nanoscale by photoinduced force microscopy. ACS Photonics.
J.159. Almajhadi, M., & Wickramasinghe, H. K. (2017). Contrast and imaging performance in photo induced force microscopy. Optics Express, 25(22), 26923-26938.
J.158. Yinglei Tao and H. Kumar Wickramasinghe, “ Coaxial atomic force microscope probes for dielectrophoresis of DNA under different buffer conditions”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 110, 073701 (2017);
J.157. Fei Huang, Venka Ananth Tamma, Mohsen Rajaei , Mohammad Almajhadi and H. Kumar Wickramasinghe , “Measurement of laterally induced optical forces at the nanoscale”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 110, 063103 (2017);
J.156. Xuan Li , Yinglei Tao , Do-Hyun Lee , Hemantha K. Wickramasinghe and Abraham P. Lee “In situ mRNA isolation from a microfluidic single-cell array using an external AFM nanoprobe”, Lab on a Chip , DOI: 10.1039/C7LC00133A, 2017, 17, 1635-1644
J.155. E. Shekaramiz, G. Varadarajalu , P. J. Day and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Integrated Electrowetting Nanoinjector for Single Cell Transfection”, Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing, DOI: 10.1038/srep29051, 2016
J.154. V. A. Tamma, F. Huang, D. Nowak, H. K. Wickramasinghe, “Stimulated Raman spectroscopy and nanoscopy of molecules using near field photon induced forces without resonant electronic enhancement gain”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 108, 23107, doi: 10.1063/1.4952738, 2016
J.153. J. Jahng, J. Brocious, D.A. Fishman, S. Yampolsky, D.B. Nowak, F. Huang, V.A. Apkarian, H.K.Wickramasinghe, E.O. Potma, “Ultrafast pump-probe force microscopy with nanoscale resolution”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol. 106(8), 083113, DOI: 10.1063/1.4913853, 2015
J.152. D. Nowak, W. Morrison, H. K. Wickramasinghe, J. Jahng, E. Potma, L.Wan, R.Ruiz, T. R. Albrecht, K. Schmidt, J. Frommer, D. P. Sanders, S. Park, “ Nanoscale chemical imaging by photo-induced force microscopy” , Sci. Adv. 2016; 2 : e1501571
J.151. J. Jahng, D.A. Fishman, S. Park, D.B. Nowak, W.A. Morrison, H.K.Wickramasinghe, E.O. Potma, “Linear and Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy at the Nanoscale with Photoinduced Force Microscopy”, Accounts of Chemical Research, Vol.48 (10), p.2671-2679, DOI: 10.1021/acs.accounts.5b00327,2015
J.150. H. K. Wickramasinghe and S. Park, “Force Detection of IR Response at Sub-10nm Resolution”, SPIE News Room, DOI: 10.1117/2.1201511.006170, 2015 (Invited)
J.149. C. Guclu, V. A. Tamma, H. K. Wickramasinghe and F. Capolino, “Photoinduced Magnetic Force Between Nanostructures”, Phys. Rev. B, DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.00005100 2015
J.148. F. Huang, V.A Tamma, Z. Mamaghani, J. Burdett and H.K.Wickramasinghe “Imaging Nanoscale Electromagnetic Near-Field Distributions Using Optical Forces”, Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing, DOI 10.1038/srep10610, 2015
J147. J. Jahng, J. Brocious, D.A. Fishman, S. Yampolsky, D. Nowak, F. Huang, V. A. Apkarian. H.K Wickramasinghe and E. Potma, “Ultrafast Pump Probe Force Microscopy with Nanoscale Resolution”, App. Phys. Lett., 106, 083113, 2015
J.146 J. Jahng, D.A. Fishman, S. Park, D.B. Nowak, W.A. Morrison, H. K. Wickramasinghe and E. Potma, “ Linear and Non-Linear Optical Spectroscopy on the Nanoscale with Photoinduced Force Microscopy”, Acc. Chem. Res., 48, p.2671, 2015
J.145. H. K Wickramasinghe, M Chaigneau, R. Yasakuni, G. Picardi and R. Ossikovski “ Billion fold increase in tip enhanced Raman signal”, ACS Nano, DOI 10.1021/nn406263m, March 2014
J. 144. J. Jahng, J.Brocious, D.A. Fishman, F. Huang, X. Li, V. A. Tamma, H.K. Wickramasinghe and E. Potma, “ Gradient and Scattering Forces in Photo Induced Force Microscopy” Phys. Rev. B., 90, 155417, 2014
J143. H. Kumar Wickramasinghe, “ Development of the technology and applications of the scanning probe microscope”, Microscopy and Analysis 26(6), 25th anniversary issue , p.27-30, September 2012 (Invited)
J.142. H. K. Wickramasinghe and I. Rajapaksa, “Experimental and Theoretical Study of the New Image Force Microscopy Principle”, Mater. Res.Soc. Proc. Vol. 1318, DOI 10.1557/opl.2011.283, 2011
J141. I. Rajapaksa and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Raman Spectroscopy and Microscopy based on Mechanical Force Detection”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 99, 161103, 2011
J140. D. Nawarathna, R. Chang , E. Nelson and H. Kumar Wickramasinghe, “Targeted messenger RNA profiling of transfected breast cancer gene in a living cell”, Analytical Biochemistry, August 17, 2010
J139. I. Rajapakse, K. Uenal, H. Kumar Wickramasinghe, “Image force microscopy of molecular resonance – a microscope principle”, Virtual Journal of Nanoscience and Technology, Vol. 22, issue 10, 2010
J138. I. Rajapakse, K. Uenal. H. Kumar Wickramasinghe, “ Image Force Microscopy of Molecular Resonance”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 97, 073121, 2010
J137. D. Nawarathna, T. Turan and H. Kumar Wickramasinghe, “Selective Probing of mRNA expression levels within a living cell”, Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Vol. 18, issue 5, 2009
J136. D. Nawatathna, T. Turan and H. Kumar Wickramasinghe, “Selective probing of mRNA expression levels within a living cell”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 083117, 2009
J135. H.K.Wickramasinghe and K. Unal, “Novel Approaches in Low Cost, High Throughput Gene Sequencing” Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry, ed. Robert Meyers, John Wiley, December 2009
J134. D. Nawarathna, K. Uenal and H. Kumar Wickramasinghe, “Localized Electroporation and Delivery into Single Living Cells by Atomic Force Microscopy”,Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, Col.16, issue 8, 2008
J133. D.Nawarathna, K. Unal and H. Kumar Wickramasinghe, “Localized Electroporation and Delivery into Single Living Cells by Atomic Force Microscopy”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 93, 1, 2008
J132. K. Unal and H.K.Wickramasinghe, ” Nanoscale Quantitative Stress Mapping with Atomic Force Microscopy”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 90, 113111, March 2007
J131. R.S. Shenoy, K. Gopalakrishnan, C.T. Rettner, L.D. Bozano, R.S. King, B. Kurdi, H.K.Wickramasinghe, “ A New Route to Ultra-High Density Memory Using the Micro to Nano Addressing Block (MNAB), 2006 Symposium on VLSI Technology, IEEE Cat. No. 06CH37743C, p. 2, 2006
J130. K. Gopalakrishnan, R.S. Shenoy, C.T. Rettner, R.S. King, Y. Zhang, B. Kurdi, L.D. Bozano, J.J. Welser, M.E. Rothwell, M. Jurich, M.I. Sanchez, M. Hernandez, P.M. Rice W.P. Risk and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “ The Micro to Nano Addressing Block (MNAB), Proc. International Electron Devices Meeting, 2005, IEEE Cat. No. 05CH37703C, p. 4
J129. Kerem Unal, Jane Frommer, and H. Kumar Wickramasinghe, “Ultrafast Molecule Sorting and Delivery by Atomic Force Microscopy”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 183105 (2006)
J128. H. F. Hamann, M.P. O’Boyle, Y. Martin, M. Rooks and H. K. Wickramasinghe, “Ultra-High-Density Phase-Change Storage and Memory”, Nature Materials 5, 383–387 (2006)
J127. H.F.Hamann, Y.C.Martin and H.K.Wickramasinghe ,“Thermally Assisted Recording Beyond Traditional Limits”, Applied Physics Letters, 84 (5), Feb. 2004, p.810 (FRONT COVER)
J126. Y.Martin, H.F. Hamann and H.K.Wickramasinghe “Strength of Electric Field in Apertureless Near-Field Microscopy”, J. Appl. Phys., Vol.89., May 2001, p.5774
J125. Y.Martin, and H.K.Wickramasinghe “Resolution Test for Apertureless Near-Field Microscopy, J. Appl. Phys., Vol.91, March 2002, p.3363
J124. D.W.Abraham, T.J.Chainer, K.F.Etzold and H.K.Wickramasinghe, “Thermal Proximity Imaging of Hard Disk Substrates”, IEEE Trans. Magnetics, Vol.36(6), Nov. 2000, p.3997
J123. H.K.Wickramasinghe, “Progress in Scanning Probe Microscopy”, Acta Materialia, 48, 347-358, 1999
J122. M.P.O’Boyle, T.T. Hwang and H.K.Wickramasinghe, “Atomic Force Microscopy of Workfunctions on the Nanometer Scale”, Appl. Phys. Lett., Vol.74 (18), May 1999, p.2641
J121. T. Van Kessel and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Measurement of Trench Depth by Infrared Interferometry”, Optics Lett., Vol. 24 (23), Dec.1999, p.1702
J120. Y.Martin, S. Rishton and H.K.Wickramasinghe, “Optical Data Storage Read-Out at 256 Gbits/Square Inch”, App. Phys. Lett., July 1997, p.1.
J119. Y. Martin and H.K.Wickramasinghe, ” Toward Accurate Metrology with Scanning Force Microscopes”, J . Vac. Science and Technology (B), Vol. 13 (6), Nov. 1995, p.2335
J118. H.K.Wickramasinghe, “Scanning Acoustic Microscopy” in “Instruments of Science: A Historical Encyclopedia”, Joint Volume by Smithsonian and British Science Museum, Garland Publishing, January 1998, p.394
J117. H.K.Wickramasinghe, “Scanning Probe Microscopy” in “Instruments of Science: A Historical Encyclopedia”, Joint Volume by Smithsonian and British Science Museum, Garland Publishing, January 1998, p.398
J116. Y.Martin and H.K.Wickramasinghe, “Precision Micrometrology with Scanning Probes, Future Fab International, Vol 1 (1), p.253, 1996
J115. Y.Martin, F.Zenhausern and H.K.Wickramasinghe, “Scattering Spectroscopy of Molecules at Nanometer Resolution”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 68(18),April 1996, p.2475
J114. F.Zenhausern, Y.Martin and H.K.Wickramasinghe, “Scanning Interferometric Apertureless Microscopy: Optical Imaging at 10 Angstrom Resolution”, Science, Vol.269, August 1995, p.1083
J113. F.Zenhausern and H.K.Wickramasinghe,”Nanometer Scale Techniques for Molecular Imaging, Scanning 16 (IV), May 1994, p.65
J112. F.Zenhausern, M.P.O’Boyle and H.K.Wickramasinghe,”Apertureless Near-Field Optical Microscope”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 65(13), Sept 1994, p.1623.
J111. Y.Martin and H.K.Wickramasinghe,”Method for Imaging Sidewalls by Atomic Force Microscopy”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 64 (19), May 1994, p.2498
J110. D.W. Abraham, T.J. Chainer, K.F. Etzold, and H.K.Wickramasinghe, ” Thermal Proximity Sensing for Hard Disks”, Proc. Intermag 2003, IEEE Cat. No. 03CH37401, 2003, p. FA 10.
J109. M. Vaez-Iravani, M. Nonnenmacher and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Detection of High and Low Frequency Vibrations Using Feedback Stabilized Differential Fiber-Optic Interferometer”, Optical Engineering, 32(8), August 1993, p.1879
J108. M. Nonnenmacher, M. Vaez-Iravani and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Force Microscopy with Actively Stabilized Differential Fiber Detection Mechanism”, J of Vac. Sci. & Tech. (A), 11(4), July 1993, p.758
J107. M. Nonnenmacher, M. Vaez-Iravani and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Attractive Mode Force Microscopy Using Feedback Controlled Fiber Interferometer”, Review of Scientific Instruments, November 1992, 63 (11), p.5373
J106. T.T. Hwang, M.P. O’Boyle and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Applications of Scanning Kelvin Probe Force Microscope for Failure Analysis”, Proceedings of Int. Symposium for Test & Failure Analysis (ISTAFA) Los Angeles, October 1992,ISBN# 0-87170-456-0, p.9-14
J105. A.P. Ghosh, D.B. Dove, H.K. Wickramasinghe, R.M. Stowell and K.G. Roessler, “Application of Atomic Force Microscopy to Phase Shift Masks”, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 1673, 1992, P.255.
J104. C.C. Williams, J. Slinkman, D.W. Abraham and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Nanoscale Surface Characterization by Scanning Capacitance Microscopy”, in Scanned Probe Microscopy, AIP 241, Ed. H.K. Wickramasinghe, Amer. Inst. Phys., 1992, p.337.
J103. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Scanned Probes Old and New”, in Scanned Probe Microscopy, AIP 241, Ed. H.K. Wickramasinghe, Amer. Inst. phys. 1992, p.9.
J102. M. Nonnenmacher and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Scanning Probe Microscopy of Thermal Conductivity and Sub-Surface Properties”, Appl. Phys. Letters, 61(2), July 1992, p.168.
J101. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Extensions of AFM”, Book Chapter in Methods in Experimental Physics, Ed. J.A. Stroscio, Academic Press, Vol. 27, 1992, p.77.
J100. M. Nonnenmacher and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Optical Absorption Spectroscopy by Scanning Force Microscopy”, Proceedings of STM 91, Ultramicroscopy, 1992, vol. 42-44, Pt. a, p.351-354.
J99. M. Nonnenmacher, M.P. O’Boyle and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Surface Investigations with a Kelvin Probe Force Microscope”, Proceedings of STM 91, Ultramicroscopy, Vol.42-44, Pt. A, 1992, p.268-273.
J98. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Related Scanning Techniques”, in Book Chapter, Scanning Tunneling Microscopy II, Ed. R. Weisendanger and H. Guntherodt, Springer, 1992, p.209-230.
J97. J.A. Slinkman, C.C. Williams, D.W. Abraham and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Lateral Dopant Profiling in MOS Structures on a 100 nm Scale Using Scanning Capacitance microscopy”, Proceedings of IEEE international Electron Devices Meeting, San Francisco, 1990, pp.IEDM 90-76 to 90-76, Cat. No. 90Ch 2865-4.
J96. M. Nonnenmacher, M.P. O’Boyle and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy”, Appl. Phys. Letters, 58(25), June 1991, p.2921-2923.
J95. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Scanning Tunneling Microscopy”, McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill, 1992, p.81-82
J94. D.W. Abraham, C.C. Williams, J. Slinkman and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Lateral Dopant Profiling in Semiconductors by Force Microscopy Using Capacitive Detection”, J. Vac. Sci. & Technology B, 9(2), March/April 1991, p.703-706.
J93. C.C. Williams and H.K. Wickramasinghe, Scanning Chemical Potential Microscope: A New Technique for Surface Investigation”, J. Vac. Sci. & Technology B, 9(2), March/April 1991, p.537-540.
J92. J.M.R. Weaver and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Semiconductor Characterization by Scanning Force Microscope Surface Photovoltage Microscopy”, J. Vac. Sci. & Technology B, 9(3), May/June 1991, p.1562-1565.
J91. Y. Martin, D.W. Abraham, P.C.D. Hobbs and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Magnetic Force Microscopy – A Short Review”, Proceedings of Symposium on Magnetic Materials, Processes and Devices, Florida 1989, Electrochemical Society, Vol. 90-8, Ed. L.T.Romankiw, p.115-124. (Invited).
J90. C.C. Williams, J. Slinkman, W.P. Hough and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Lateral Dopant Profiling with 200 nm Resolution by Scanning Capacitance Microscopy”, Appl. Phys. Letters, 55(16), October 1989, p.1662-1664.
J89. C.C. Williams and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Thermal and Photothermal Imaging with High Spatial and Temperature Resolution and Future Prospects”, Proceedings of Microprocess ’89, July 1989, Japan.
J88. C.C. Williams and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Microscopy of Chemical Potentials on an Atomic Scale”, Nature 1990, March 22, Vol. 344, p.317-319.
J87. J.M.R. Weaver, L.M. Walpita and H.K. Wickramasinghe, Optical Absorption Microscopy and Spectroscopy with Nanometer Spatial Resolution”, Nature, December 1989, Vol. 342, No. 6251. P.783-785.
J86. H.K. Wickramasinghe, J.M.R. Weaver and C.C. Williams, “Phonons & Scanning Tunneling Microscopy”, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter, World Scientific, 1990, p.1345-1354. (Invited).
J85. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Scanning Probe Microscopy – Current Status & Future Trends”, J. Vac. Sci. & Technology A, January 1990, Vol. 8(1), p.363-368. (Invited).
J84. C.C. Williams, J.Slinkman, W.P. Hough and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Lateral Dopant Profiling on a 100 nm Scale by Scanning Capacitance microscopy”, J. Vac. Sci. & Technology A, March 1990, Vol. 8(2), p.895-898.
J83. P.C.D. Hobbs, D.W. Abraham and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Magnetic Force Microscopy with 25 nm Resolution”, Appl. Phys. Letters, November 1989, 55(22), p.2357-2359.
J82. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Scanning Probe Microscopy”, Scientific American, Vol. 260(10), October 1989, p.98-105.
J81. D.W. Abraham, C.C. Williams and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Measurement of In-Plane Magnetization by Force Microscopy”, Appl. Phys. Letters, October 1988, p.1446.
J80. D.W. Abraham, C.C. Williams and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Noise Reduction Technique for Scanning Tunneling Microscopy”, Appl. Phys. Letters, 53(15), October 1988, p.1503.
J79. P.C.D. Hobbs and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Metrology with an Atomic Force Microscope”, Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Integrated Circuit Metrology, Inspection and Process Control II, February 1988, Vol. 921, p.146. (Invited).
J78. J. Schneir, P.K. Hansma, V. Elings, J.Gurley, H.K. Wickramasinghe and R.Sonnenfeld, “Creating and Observing Surface Features with a Scanning Tunneling Microscope”, IBID, p.16. (Invited).
J77. P.C.D. Hobbs, Y. Martin, C.C. Williams and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Atomic Force Microscope implementations”, IBID, p.26. (Invited).
J76. D.A. Abraham, Y. Martin and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “High Resolution Capacitance Measurement by Force Microscopy: Application to Sample Characterization and Potentiometry”, IBID, p.191. (Invited).
J75. C.C. Williams and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Thermal and Photothermal Imaging on a sub-100 Nanometer Scale”, IBID, p.129. (Invited).
J74. H. K. Wickramasinghe, ” Some History and Technology of Scanning microscopy”, Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Scanning Microscopy-Technology and Applications, January 1988, Vol. 897, p.1 (Keynote Address) (Invited).
J73. H.K. Wickramasinghe and Y. Martin, “High Resolution Magnetic Imaging by Force Microscopy”, J. Appl. Phys., 63(8), April 1988, p.2948. (Invited).
J72. H.K. Wickramasinghe, ” Laser Heterodyne Probes”, Proc. of NATO Advanced Study Institute on Coherent and Incoherent Optics for Metrology, Sensing and Control in Science, Industry and Biomedicine, 1987, Dordrecht, Netherlands, p. 84
J71. Y. Martin, D.W. Abraham and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “High resolution Capacitance Imaging and Potentiometry by Force Microscopy”, Appl. Phys. Letters, 52(13), March 1988, p.1103.
J70. Y. Martin, D. Rugar and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “High Resolution Imaging of Domains in TbFe by Force Microscopy”, Appl. Phys. Letters, 52(3), January 1988, p.244.
J69. Y. Martin, C.C. Williams and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Tip Techniques for Microcharacterization of Materials”, Scanning Microscopy, Vol. 2(1), 1988, p.3. (Invited).
J68. C.C. Williams and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Absolute Optical ranging with 200 Nanometer Resolution”, Optics Letters, 14(11),1989, p.542-544.
J67. C.C. Williams and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Photothermal Imaging with sub-100 nm Spatial Resolution”, Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena, Springer-Verlag series in Optical Sciences, Ed. P. Hess and J. Pelzl, 1987, p.364. (Invited).
J66. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Scanning Differential Phase Contrast Optical Microscope Application to Surface Studies and Micrometrology”, Proc. of NATO Advanced Study Institute on Coherent and Incoherent Optics for Metrology, Sensing and Control in Science, Industry and Biomedicine, 1987, Dordrecht, Netherlands, p. 86
J65. C.C. Williams and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “High Resolution Thermal Microscopy”, Proceedings of IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium 1986, P.393.(Invited).
J64. Y. Martin and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Magnetic Imaging by Force Microscopy with 1000 Angstrom Resolution”, Appl. Phys. Letters, 50(20), May 1987, p.1455.
J63. Y. Martin, C.C. Williams and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Atomic Force Microscope — Force Mapping and Profiling on a sub-100 Angstrom Scale”, J. Appl. Physics, 61(10), May 1987, p.4723.
J62. R.J. Von Gutfeld, D. Vigliotti and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Acoustic Jet Plating of Gold and Copper at 7.5 MHz”, Appl. Phys.Letters 50(7), February 1987, p.383.
J61. Y. Martin and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Study of Dynamic Current Distribution in Logic Circuits by Joule Displacement Microscopy”, Appl. Phys. Letters, 50(3), January 1987, p.167.
J60. C.C. Williams and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Scanning Thermal Profiler”, Microelectronic Engineering 5(1986), North-Holland, p.509-513.
J59. C.C. Williams and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Scanning Thermal Profiler”, Applied Physics Letters, 49(23), December 1986, p.1587.
J58. C.C. Williams and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Optical Ranging by Wavelength Multiplexed Interferometry”, Journal of Applied Physics, 60(6), September 15, 1986, p.1900.
J57. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Differential laser Heterodyne Micro-Metrology”, Optical Engineering, Vol. 24(6), November 1985, p.926. (Invited).
J56. R. Rajakarunanayake and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Non-Linear Photothermal Imaging, Applied Physics Letters, 48(3), January 1986, p.218-220.
J55. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Acoustic Microscopy”, Concise Encyclopedia of Biological & Biomedical Imaging Systems (1991), Ed. P.A. Payne, Pergamon Press, p.7-15.
J54. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Acoustic Microscopy”, in “Advances in Optical and Electron Microscopy”, Academic Press, Ed. C.J. Sheppard, 1989, p.153-182.
J53. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Acoustic Microscopy: Present and Future”, Proceedings of IEE, Vol.131, Pt. A, No. 4, June 1984, p.282.
J52. C.W. See, M. Vaez-Iravani and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Scanning Differential Phase Contrast Optical Microscope-Application to Surface Studies”, Applied Optics, Vol. 24(15), August 1985, p.2373.
J51. M. Vaez-Iravani and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Scattering Matrix Approach to Thermal Wave Propagation in Layered Structures”, Journal of Applied Physics, 58(1), July 1985, p.122.
J50. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Scanning Acoustic Microscopy:Review of Recent Developments”, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 368, 1983, p.52
J49. H.K. Wickramasinghe, Y. Martin, D.A.H. Spear and E.A. Ash, “Optical Heterodyne Techniques for Photoacoustic and Photothermal Detection”, Proceedings of 3rd International Topical meeting on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Spectroscopy, Paris, April 1983, journal de Physique, Vol.44, C6(10), P.C6-191. (Invited)
J48. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Acoustic and Photoacoustic Microscopy: Applications to Device Diagnostics”, Proceedings of 3rd Oxford Conference on Microscopy of Semiconductor Materials, March 1983, The Institute of Physics Conference Series No. 67, Book Chapter, p.377. (Invited).
J47. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Acoustic Microscopy – Biomedical Applications”, Book Chapter in ‘The Analysis of Organic and Biological Surfaces’, Ed. P. Echlin, John Wiley, 1984, p.105.
J46. F. Faridian and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Simultaneous Scanning Optical and Acoustic Microscopy”, Electronics Letters, 19(5), March 3, 1983, p.159.
J45. D.A. Sinclair, I.R. Smith and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Elastic Constant Measurement in the Acoustic Microscope”, Proceedings of 1982 Ultrasonics Symposium, San Diego, CA., p.644.
J44. Y. Martin, H.K. Wickramasinghe and E.A. Ash, “Thermo and Photo Displacement Microscopy”, Proceedings of 1982 Ultrasonics Symposium, San Diego, CA., p.563.
J43. I.R. Smith, H.K. Wickramasinghe, G.W. Farnell and C.K. Jen, “Confocal Surface Acoustic Wave Microscopy”, Appl. Phys. Letters, 42(5), March 1, 1983, p.411.
J42. I.R. Smith and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “SAW Attenuation Measurement in the Acoustic Micrscope”, Electronics Letters, 18(22), October 28, 1982, p.955.
J41. H.K. Wickramasinghe, S. Ameri and C.W. See, “Differential Phase Contrast Optical Microscope with 1 angstrom Depth Resolution”, Electronics Letters, 18(22), October 28, 1982, p.973.
J40. I.R. Smith, D.A. Sinclair and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “NDE of Solids with A Mechanically B-scanned Acoustic Microscope”, Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging Vol. 12, Ed. E.A. Ash and C.R. Hill, Plenum 1982, p.113.
J39. H.K. Wickramasinghe, Y. Martin, S. Ball and E.A. Ash, “Thermo Displacement of Current in Thin Film Circuits”, Electronics Letters, 18(16), August 5, 1982, p.700.
J38. I.R. Smith and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Dichromatic Differential Phase Contrast Microscopy”‘ IEEE Trans. on Sonics and Ultrasonics, Vol. SU-29, No. 6, November 1982, p.321.
J37. I.R. Smith and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Differential Phase Contrast in the Acoustic Microscope”, Electronics Letters, January 21, 1982, 18(2), p.92.
J36. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Scanning Acoustic Microscopy: A Review”, Journal of Microscopy, Vol. 129, Pt. 1 January 1983, p.63.
J35. D.A. Sinclair, I.R. Smith and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Recent Developments in Scanning Acoustic Microscopy”‘ The Radio and Electronic Engineer, Vol. 52, No. 10, October 1982, p.479.
J34. I.R. Smith, D.A. Sinclair and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Acoustic Microscopy of Slowness Surfaces”, 1981 Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, Chicago, IL., p.591.
J33. C.R. Petts and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Photothermal Spectroscopy on a Microscopic Scale”, 1981 Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, Chicago, IL, p.832.
J32. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Recent Progress in Scanning Acoustic microscopy”‘ Physics in Technology, 12(3), May 3, 1981, p.111.
J31. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Mechanically Scanned B.Scan System for Acoustic Microscopy of Solids”, Appl. Phys. Letters, 39(4), August 15, 1981, p.305.
J30. H.K. Wickramasinghe and C.R. Petts, “Acoustic Microscopy in High Pressure Gases”, 1980 Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, Boston, MA., p.668.
J29. I.R. Smith, D.A. Sinclair and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Acoustic Microscopy of Elastic Constants”, 1980 Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, Boston, MA., p.677.
J28. C.R. Petts and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Photoacoustic Microscopy – A new Technique in Biology and Non-Destructive Testing”, 1980 Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, Boston, MA, p.636.
J27. H.K. Wickramasinghe and C.R. Petts, “Gas medium Acoustic Microscopy”, in Scanned Image Microscopy, Edited by E.A. Ash, Academic Press, 1980, p.57.
J26. S. Ameri, E.A. Ash, C.R. Petts and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Scanned Imaging Techniques for Surface NDE”, Proceedings of ARPA Conference on Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE, July 1980, San Diego, California, p.186.
J25. C.R. Petts and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Acoustic Microscopy in Gases”, Electronics Letters, January 3, 1980, Vol. 16, No. 1, p.9.
J24. S. Ameri, E.A. Ash, D. Murray and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Detection et Calibrage des Defauts de Surface par les Technique de la Sonde Laser”, Proc. Colloque sur les Methodes ultrasons en Control Non Destructif”, Ecole Nomale Superieure, Paris, March 1980, p.65. Revue de CATHEDEC, NS 80-2, 1980.
J23. H.K. Wickramasinghe, S.D. Bennett and I.R. Smith, “Contrast Analysis in Scanning Acoustic Microscopy”, Proceedings of IEE Specialist Seminar on Case Studies in Advanced Signal Processing, Peebles, Scotland, September 1979, IEE Conference Publication no. 180, p.56. (invited).
J22. S. Ameri, E.A. Ash, U. Htoo, D. Murray and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Laser Detection and Imaging Techniques for Surface Examination”, Proceedings of ARPA Conference on Review of Progress in Quantitative NDE, July 1979, San Diego,California, p.384.
J21. J. Heiserman, C.F. Quate and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Acoustic Microscopy in Biophyics”, Book Chapter, Advances in Biological and Medical Physics, Vol. 17, Academic Press, 1980, p.325. (Invited).
J20. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Recent Advances in Scanning Acoustic Microscopy”, Proceedings of Stanford/SID Seminar ’78. Society for Information Display, April 17-21, 1978, San Francisco, California, pp.S8-1 to S8-24.
J19. H.K. Wickramasinghe, R.C. Bray, V. Jipson, C.F. Quate and J.R. Salcedo, “Photoacoustics on a Microscopic Scale”, Appl. Phys. Letters, 33(11), December 1, 1978, p.923.
J18. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Contrast in Reflection Acoustic Microscopy”, Electronics letters, May 11, 1978, Vol. 14, No. 10, p.305.
J17. A. Atalar, C.F. Quate and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Phase Imaging in Reflection with the Acoustic Microscope”, Appl. Phys.Letters, 31(12), December 15, 1977, p.791.
J16. H.K. Wickramasinghe. “Contrast and Imaging Performance in the Scanning Acoustic Microscope”, J. Appl. Phys., 50(2), February 1979, p.664.
J15. C.F. Quate, A. Atalar and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Acoustic Microscopy with Mechanical Scanning – A Review”, Proceedings of IEEE, Vol. 67, No. 8, August 1979, p.1092. (Invited).
J14. H.K. Wickramasinghe and J. Heiserman, “Image Enhancement in the Scanning Acoustic Microscope Using Analogue Filters”, Electronics Lettes, 8th December 1977, 13(25), p.776.
J13. E.F. Farrel, H.K. Wickramasinghe, J.C. Birnholz and C.F. Quate, “Examination of Red Blood Cell Morphology with the Stanford Acoustic Microscope”, Proceedings of 1st Triennial Meeting of the World Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, in ‘Ultrasound in Medicine’, Vol. 38, Ed. D. White & R.E. Brown, Plenum, 1977, p.2087.
J12. M.F. Marmor, H.K. Wickramasinghe and R.A. Lemons, “Acoustic Microscopy of the Human Retina and Pigment Epithelium”, Journal of Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, Vol. 16, No. 7, July 1977, p.660.
J11. H.K. Wickramasinghe and C. Yeack, “Nonlinear Imaging of an Edge in the Scanning Acoustic Microscope”, J. Appl. Phys. 48(12), December 1977, p.4951.
J10. H.K. Wickramasinghe and M. Hall, “Phase Imaging with the Scanning Acoustic Microscope”, Electronics Letters, Vol. 12, No. 24, November 1976, p.637.
J9. E.A. Ash and H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Background Subtraction in Surface Wave Holography”, Electronics Letters, Vol. 11, No. 22, October 1975, p.526.
J8. H.K. Wickramasinghe and E.A. Ash, “Measurement of Surface Acoustic Wave Slowness Surfaces”, Proceedings of the 5th European Microwave Conference, Hamburg, September 1975, Microwave Exhibitors and Publishers Ltd., 1975, p.618.
J7. H.K. Wickramasinghe and E.A. Ash, “Surface Acoustic Wave Slowness Surface Measurement”, 1975 Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings, Los Angeles, California, p.496.
J6. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “High Frequency Acoustic Holography in Solids”, Acoustic Holography, Vol. 5, Plenum Press, New York, 1974, p.121.
J5. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Acoustic Holography in Solids”, Proceedings of the Ultrasonics International Conference, Imperial College, London, March 1973, p.283.
J4. H.K. Wickramasinghe and E.A. Ash, “Optical Probing of Acoustic Surface Waves – Application to Device Diagnostics and Non-Destructive Testing”, Proceedings of the MRI Symposium on Optical and Acoustical Microelectronics, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, New York, April 1974, p.413.
J3. H.K. Wickramasinghe, “Acoustic Holography in Solids with Special Reference to Acoustic Microscopy”, Ultrasonics, Vol. 11, No. 4, July 1973, p.146.
J2. J.K. Thomson, H.K. Wickramasinghe and E.A. Ash. “A Fabry-Perot Acoustic Surface Vibration Detector – Application to Acoustic Holography”, J. Phys., D-Applied Physics, Vol. 6, July 1973, p.677.
J1. H.K. Wickramasinghe and E.A. Ash, “Surface-Wave Non-Destructive Testing Using One-Dimensional Acoustic Holography”, Electronics Letters, Vol. 9, No. 15, July 1973, p.327.